And these days, I started to make my front hair into a bundle. Some Arabic friends saw that and felt interested. They said it's like a Samurai, like Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai. I hope I am as handsome as him. I told them that the hair style of a samurai is much more curious than mine. A samurai not only have a hair bundle but also shave part of hair in front. With this curious shaving, a samurai is hardly more handsome than I.

One Chinese friend also have a comment. He nicknamed me "陳小辮". I think it's not a good nickname because it really sound like something peeing. Especially in Taiwan.
3 意見:
今天在公司被一個外國同事問問題都答不出來,囧。真的很糟糕,我要開始唸英文了,真的!(應該吧= =)